Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Peanut!

June 5th, 2008.... Happy Birthday to our baby...

Though I never held you in my arms, never got to touch your little face or hold your little hand, though I never got to smile at your little piggies or feel the joy of your first cry, I didn't feel you kick in my belly or watch you grow in the ultrasounds, I never gave you a "proper" name or even your first bath, and I will never feel the joy of taking you home in my arms or the stress of our first night alone, I may never change your diapers or help you to walk, never teach you to ride a bike or hold you after you take your first fall, I will never get to help you through school or your first heartache after your first crush, I will never watch you graduate kindergarten or even high school, never see you fall in love, and though I'll never look into your eyes and get to say these sweet words...... I will always love you. I thank God for allowing me to carry you, and I wish I could have kept you. I know you're safe and happy, surrounded by God's peace and love. I rest assured that you will spend your Birthday with family and that somehow you know I will always hold you in my heart... a mother's love knows no bounds. You touched my life in a way no one has....Happy Birthday Peanut! Mommy loves you.....forty nerdy.